Apply medical tape before running to avoid blisters on your feet!

Update:2022-08-01 14:27
Apply medical tape before running to avoid blisters on your feet
Many runners have the experience of blisters on their feet when running, especially long-distance running. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sports Medicine suggests a simple way to avoid blisters. Applying medical tape or medical tape to areas prone to blisters can reduce friction.
The skin collides with shoes and socks for a long time, causing strong friction, which leads to the appearance of blisters. Interestingly, the blisters are actually a lot of heat generated after the foot rubs against the shoe. In order to avoid local scalding, the foot makes a protective response - the epidermis is separated.
To prevent long blisters, the choice of running shoes and socks is important. Running shoes must fit the foot, too big or too small will lead to increased friction between the foot and the shoe. Do not choose too thick cotton socks or nylon socks for socks. The friction coefficient of the two is not small. The former cannot sweat, which is easy to cause the foot temperature to be too high, which is also one of the reasons for long blisters.
If blisters appear frequently in a certain area, you can apply some petroleum jelly or talcum powder to that area beforehand. If the part is on the sole of the foot, in addition to applying talcum powder, you can also increase the thickness of the insole.
If the blister has come out, pop it. Because the skin of the blister is already dead skin, it will not hurt very much. Use a sterile needle to prick it, make a small opening, and let the liquid flow out. You can apply some iodine if you have the conditions. If you don't have it, you can put a Band-Aid on it. After two days, the dead skin is torn off and the work of removing the blisters is over.

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